Monday - Thursday 07:30-17:00   |   Friday 07:00- 15:00   |   Saturday 08:00-12:00

About Us

Who is Perfect Paints Middelburg?

Perfect Paints Middelburg was established in 2011 by Neels Meyer and Ockert Nel . Neels originally worked as a Sales Director for a major paint manufacturer, and through his training and years of experience he decided to open his own store. His decision to offer the community a quality service, affordable paint, and of course competent advice, lead to the establishment of the philosophy that underpins Perfect Paints Middelburg today.

Perfect Paints Middelburg – Today

Today, Perfect Paints Middelburg provides the industry with expert advise, service and training and has a collective experience of over 70 years in the painting industry. Neels Meyer is the dynamo of Perfect Paints because he provides the strategic and long term vision for the group and through his hard work and energies Perfect Paints continues to grow and provide each industry with innovative concepts and new ideas. Our Staff has worked for years growing and nurturing business relationship with suppliers and customers . By utilising this vision Perfect Paints has been able to grow in leaps and bounds. All the employees at Perfect Paints shares Neels’s philosophy, and in his belief, and thus, if you would like to provide your community with a paint and coating provider like no other, then the Perfect Paints way, is for you.


As part of our long term plan Perfect Paints Middelburg changed it’s corporate identity and Merged with SAFE ACCESS AND NON SLIP SURFACES to become a 51% Black owned Company. Safe Access offers scaffold erecting and specialist paint applications to the Mining Industry

Perfect Paints Philosophy

Perfect Paints was established on a sound business practice to offer the community an honest and quality service. Out of this core principle Perfect Paints was built, and in response, the community it served replied with overwhelming support and helped Perfect Paints flourish into the store it is today. After all, offering a service, that cannot be beaten, and quality paints cheaper, all packaged with excellent product knowledge has ensured that Perfect Paints really is…”Not your average paint store”

Code of Business Practice

We accept and promote that the foundation of all our services should be fairness and integrity at all times. We reject any services characterized by bad faith, discrimination, all forms of racism, oppression, bribery or any kind of dishonesty.


  • We value developing long term relationships with our customers.
  • We value the development of excellence in everything that we do.
  • We value each employee as a unique contributor to our